Community & Disaster Preparedness Sunday ECSM Aug 15 2021

ECSM shares a service of progressive Christian worship on August 15th for a service on our responsibilities to be prepared for emergencies and disasters. The community shared their joys, concerns and prayers.

We heard the majority of Mark 13, the first gospel's apocalypse. Whereas some Christians view this as a portion yet to come to pass, most scholars recognize that this first gospel was written in 70 CE, two years after the Temple was destroyed. The first hearers of this gospel would have recognized all of the bad things happening as having happened with the destruction of Jerusalem, the desecration of the altar, the destruction, the expulsion of Jews from the region, it was all a horror. Rather than projecting this scripture onto a second coming, let's just admit that its is scripture fulfilled, so now we recognize how well we are prepared for the earthquakes, sea level rise, mass fires, and even potential tsunamis that could come our way someday. We have great tools from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and the UCC Global Ministries HOPE projects. But we have work to complete our congregational emergency plan, our family emergency plans, and to start to talk to the 3-5 closest neighbors, asking what their plans may be, and starting to create quarterly informal conversations with church and neighbors about what our own plans are, collecting the needed items for our 72 Hour Kits, making sure our extended families know our plans (and become a part of them), and then start inviting others to become prepared for the next emergency or attend a Red Cross training with us.

Together, we sang, “Invocation” (Christopher Grundy, with permission), “Christ, be our Light!” (314), “Glory to God” (585), “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” (469), “God of the Sparrow” (22), “Here Are Our Hearts” (Drake – Jennings with permission). Elaine Palmer played our piano music, including the prelude “There’s a Sweet, Sweet Spirit” (408), “Open My Eyes/Song of the Soul” (by Cris Williamson, with permission), and the postlude “I, the Lord, of Sea and Sky” (69).

CCLI License # 2970194 LicenSing License # U17447, CCLI Streaming License # 4275634. All of the music shared with permission of the Glory to God Hymnal (hymn numbers), New Century (UCC) Hymnal, or special permission for special musical pieces.
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