Compilation video of 43rd Birthday Tribute to my Man! Lenny Kravitz and John Legend Birthday Songs

A 43rd Birthday Tribute to my Man! ???? Turning 43 is Something ???? A compilation for the celebrant, Happy Birthday Love! ????????????????????
Celebrated a 43rd Birthday for him. It's fun yet simple an intimate one spent with family at home amidst pandemic. Topped it his favorite mint ice cream cake courtesy of Baskin Robbins ???? Got him a new Keurig machine to replace a just broke 7 year old Keurig we had and that he desperately needed for his 4-5 cups of caffeine dozes daily plus other little things. Instead of going out he asked to stay home so I prepared him a meal dinner of Thin Sliced gravied steak with mini circular cuts of carrots and russet red skin potatoes spiced up with onions and garlic. In addition I cooked a special spaghetti with added mini cuts of turkey hotdogs organically and lastly my special owned made baked so cheesy hamburgers to compliment garden salad and spears of asparagus. It was simply delightful supper on his special day. #dinnerbirthday #birthdaydinner #43rdbirthday #happybirthday #family #food #birthday #birthdaycelebration #boryjdayparty #party #familydinner #steak #spaghetti #sparagus #gardensalad #birthdaysong #happybirthdaysong #birthdaysongs #happybirthdaysongs #lennykravitz #johnlegend #funbirthday
Lenny kravitz
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