Ep.27 - Mötley Crüe 40th Anniversary Special - Shout At The Devil Album+Theatre of Pain Tour Review

On Greatest Rock & Metal I go back in time to recall and review the greatest albums and gigs I have experienced in my over forty years of following rock and metal music. I also review new albums.
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#mötleycrüe #mötleycrüe40 #happybirthdaytocrüe #motleycrue #shoutatthedevil #theatreofpain #theaterofpain #drfeelgood #thestadiumtour #tommylee #nikkisixx #vinceneil #mickmars #glamrock #hairmetal #greatestrock #greatestmetal #greatestrockandmetal #lametal #larock #looksthatkill #tensecondstolove #tooyoungtofallinlove #thedirt #thedirtest1981 #classicrock #tomwerman #docmcghee

Shout At The Devil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utyXQqZ35do
Looks That Kill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wPHxQMgdKs
Too Young To Fall In Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d25tXdJSedE
Bastard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvzoRKtNWEk

Home Sweet Home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gmrh42foUsg
Motley Crue
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