How are you intimidating people right now? || Pick A Card Reading

Pile 1 : 00:05
Pile 2: 15:13
Pile 3: 30:06
Pile 4: 44:31

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•● How can you pick your reading ●•
Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
Become fully aware of your present, by clearing your mind, and silencing your thoughts.
Once your mind is clear, set your intentions to find clarity about the pile that will best resonate with the highest good in your life at this time.
Open your eyes and go with your first instinct or attraction.
????Some may see the number of the pile that is for them (Clairvoyant).
⚡️Some may hear the number of the pile that is for them (Clair-audience).
✨️Some may feel the pile that is for them (Clairsentient).
☀️Some may simply know the pile for them (Claircognizance).
????Some will be instinctively driven through the active practice of self-understanding (intuition).

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•●Other ways to pick your pile? ●•
????Write the numbers of piles on individual pieces of paper, and place them inside something you can draw from.
????Mentally associate a colour to each pile, and ask your soul or guides (in service of your soul's highest good). What coloured pile will be most useful for you at the time of viewing?
????Through the guidance of your tarot or other ability practices, you are aware of that work for you.
????Scrying through the elements:
Water (Sea gazing, water watching in a bowl).
Fire (flame gazing - Candle, Star watching).
Earth (crystals and divination tools),
Air (smoke gazing, cloud gazing). Mirror gazing.
???? Use a coin flip to work your way down the options. Or you can choose heads/tails as the signifier of the pile for you.
????Through the guidance/ confirmation of the pendulum. you can also use a necklace. Before using this method, ask for the item to clarify what direction sway is a yes and what direction sway is a no. You can also ask the pendulum to reveal what sway is a maybe, and what way is a rephrase of a question request (because the answer to a question might not be a straightforward answer that the pendulum can make clear to you.)
???? Watch all of the piles to choose which one you best resonate with.


????Things to consider when watching GENERAL divination/cartomancy content:

●✨️️Not every reading will resonate with the individual viewer.
●⚡️Please take what resonates and makes logical/applicable sense to your life and circumstances.
●✨️Leave behind what does not resonate for the next individual who can put to positive use the information made available through the readings.
●⚡️️Readings are timeless - When you are drawn to the title of the reading, it is most likely when the information will resonate or be most useful to you.
●✨️You know your reality better than I do... or any reader does. ALWAYS trust your better judgement (above all, and EVERYONE else).
●⚡️The messages highlighted in the video are based on the strongest energies available to my conscious awareness at the time of the recording.
●✨️Energy is fluid. Storylines can mirror one another. The genders highlighted in storylines can be reversed, switched, or altered to who you identify to be best fitted in the descriptions of energy.


Thank you for entrusting me to work as an interpreter of the energy. I greatly appreciate the likes, comments, shares, and subscriptions, as it encourage me to keep creating in ways that I love - knowing it is assisting someone out there in some way. -Atea
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???? Cards used during readings ????
•Wisdom of the Hidden Realms
Colette Baron-Reid
•Wisdom of the Oracle Colette Barron-Reid
•Sacred power- Anna Stark
•Work your light- Rebecca Campbell
•Messages from your Angels - Doreen Virtue
•The wild unknown Kim Krans
•Isis Oracle- Alana Fairchild
•Tarot- Rider Waite
•Vision quest- Sylvie Winter
•Lovers Oracle Toni Carmine Salerno
•Astrology reading cards - Alison Lambert
•Crystal wisdom healing oracle - Judy Hall
•Mystic Martian Oracle
•Past life oracle cards Doreen Virtue
•Numerology guidance oracle cards Michelle Buchanan

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