How To Make Your First Million | Lesson 6: What You Chase Will Always Run Away

Hey, my name is Dan Vas, and I want to give you a warm welcome back to the 'How To Make Your First Million' course.

You've made great progress in the program so far. I hope you've been watching the course step by step, once a day, taking notes, and making sure you've really been soaking in all the information so that you're set for success.

In this lesson, I uncover an ironic law of success - what you chase will always run away from you. To maximize your chances of success in anything, never chase. Don't attribute too much importance to anything (like making a lot of money) or else it will be infinitely harder to achieve.

Instead of asking "how do I make money quickly?" ask "how do I provide valuable goods and services to a target market?" To make money, you must help others in some way shape or form.

"As you sow, so you shall reap."


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"The Seasons of Life" by Jim Rohn:

"Obliquity" by John Kay:

"The Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale:

List of all books I mentioned in the course:
-Coming soon!


We live in challenging times, perhaps the most challenging times of all. Millions of people are struggling because they lack the steps and the wisdom needed to be successful.

I created this step by step, completely free, life-changing course to show you exactly how to:
-Start a successful business.
-Make your first million dollars doing what you love.
-Live & achieve your dream life.
-Start living a life of joy, happiness, fulfillment, strength and success forever.

I could have easily charged hundreds of dollars for this course, but because I want this information to reach as many people as possible around the world, I decided to release it for free on YouTube.


In this lesson, I present a foundational law of success that I discovered along my own journey - what you chase will always run away from you. So if you want money, don't chase it AKA don't always sit there asking yourself "how do I make money fast?", instead, ask "how do I provide valuable goods/services to help other people?".

Best described in the book 'Obliquity' by John Kay, our goals are best achieved indirectly. Meaning that if you want to make a lot of money, don't think about that all the time, think about how to help others instead and the money will surely come.

Another fundamental law is to reduce your level of importance... we've all heard this::

"If I don't make a million I will die"
"If I don't get this girl my life is over"

Whatever you chase runs away from you, whatever you attribute too much importance to you don't get.

Stay calm: "I know that I will have what I claim. It is already decided and so I radiate energy at the frequency of a life line where I have what I want."


I am a self-made multi-millionaire eCommerce entrepreneur, investor, CEO and Founder.

At age 20, I had an awakening and realized that there was more to life than slaving away at a 9-5 for life in exchange for a TV and a paycheck. I decided to venture out into entrepreneurship and really try to achieve the life of my dreams.

At age 22, I made my first million dollars through eCommerce and coaching people in starting their own eCommerce businesses as well. At age 24, I built an entrepreneurship YouTube channel with over 250,000 subscribers.

Most of my time is spent running my company, Ecom Freedom, and working on our eCommerce brands + coaching students.

In my spare time, I love making YouTube videos and sharing the best lessons and wisdom that I'm learning from my own journey to success.

There is no better feeling than being able to make videos filled with valuable wisdom and sharing it with the world. There is also no better feeling than making money, achieving success, being on your freedom lifeline, and being truly happy and fulfilled - this is something that I enjoy and live every day, and through my own passion of creating videos, I want to share that feeling and advice with you.
Lenny kravitz
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