Man Noticed Something Massive Rise Out Of The Ocean While On A Cruise Ship

Man noticed something massive rise out of the ocean while on a cruise ship. Today, we take a look at what this man saw rising out of the ocean while on a cruise ship.

The oceans remain some of the most mysterious places on our planet. Beneath the depths are untold secrets waiting to be discovered. Every year people manage to capture strange photographs, leaving those who see them confused and wanting answers. Although the majority of these eventually get answers, there's a fair amount that remains a mystery.

This interesting photo was recently shared, and it shows a large structure that appears to be rising out of the ocean. This immediately caused a variety of different theories to be put forward by those who saw the images, with them ranging from it being the mythical Atlantis, to it being a cruise ship or even that of a ghost ship.

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Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!
Pawn Stars
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