Proving Madara is a Narcissist...

Continuing my series where I take a look at the mental state of certain characters I’m switching back to Naruto to talk about Madara Uchiha. Madara is one of the greatest antagonists of all time, his goal, While very wild and grandiose, is very believable and seems to be within his grasp especially when considering how powerful he is. There are a couple of ways to show everyone how believable a goal is for a character in your story to accomplish & Kishimoto goes for the more he can brute force his way through everything sort of storytelling. If Naruto came with a rule book as to why certain things can’t come to pass, Madara takes that rule book and writes “Except for Madara '' in crayon below each rule. The 5 Kage are the strongest ninja in the world? Well they are all going to have to come out to fight this guy. They declare they’re going to win? Well Madara was just holding back to have fun. You lose your susanoo when you go blind? Not Madara he’ll just use it with no eyes. The Ten Tails makes you go insane when you become its jinchuriki? Not Madara he’ll be just fine. I’m not gonna info dump every example of this because you get the point Madara makes us think the unaccomplishable can be accomplished simply because of who he is and he has the personality to back it up and compliment this insane power. Madara’s entire plan is telling everyone else to fuck off he knows what’s best for the world and he is the savior with his plan to put everyone in the infinite dream. We get a decent amount of content on Madara’s entire life and some of the things he said made me wonder if the guy is just a straight up Narcissist or not because sometimes the guy seems like one and then other times maybe not so much. It could be the case that this developed overtime and after sitting in solitude for over 60 years with nothing but Zetsu to talk to and his own thoughts he slowly went deeper and deeper into Narcissism to the point where it’s almost like a god complex. We’ll define Narcissism first then we’ll talk about specific examples as well as going over Madara’s upbringing to determine if this is something that developed as part of being someone who loses so many people to the ninja world or if it was just his character all along. Before we begin I'd appreciate it if you could leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel. These videos are never easy to make and require a good amount of research so I’d really appreciate it.

Intro: 0:00
Defining - Narcissism: 2:15
Madara's Upbringing: 4:04
Madara's Sharingan: 8:25
When Madara Changed: 9:05
Madara's True Dream: 11:49
Madara is Cruel: 12:24
Conclusion: 15:33

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